Dr Tonya Rooney

Faculty of Education and Arts, National School of Education

Areas of expertise: Early childhood education, childhood studies, environmental education, climate change education, poststructuralism and feminist approaches, ethnography
HDR Supervisor accreditation status: Full
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1722-6009
Phone: +61 2 6209 1334
Email: tonya.rooney@acu.edu.au
Location: ACU Canberra Campus

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Select publications

  • Rooney, T (2021) Moved by wind and storms: Imaginings in changing landscape in Weather: Spaces, Mobilities and Affects Edited by Kaya Barry, Maria Borovnik, Tim Edensor, Routledge.
  • Hennessy, S & Rooney, T (2021) Watching change: Attuning to the tempo of decay with pumpkin, weather and young children, Children’s Geographies. doi: 10.1080/14733285.2021.2007217
  • Rooney T, Blaise M & Royds F. (2021) With shadows, dust and mud: Activating weathering-with pedagogies in early childhood education. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 22(2), 109-123. doi:10.1177/1463949120939202
  • Pollitt, J, Blaise, M & Rooney, T (2021) Weather bodies: experimenting with dance improvisation in environmental education in the early years, Environmental Education Research, 27:8, 1141 -1151, doi: 10.1080/13504622.2021.1926434
  • White EJ, Rooney T, Gunn AC, Nuttall J. (2021) Understanding how early childhood educators ‘see’ learning through digitally cast eyes: Some preliminary concepts concerning the use of digital documentation platforms. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 46(1), 6-18. doi:10.1177/1836939120979066
  • Blaise, M, & Rooney, T (2020) ‘Listening to and telling a rush of Unruly Natureculture gender stories’ in Disrupting and Countering Deficits in Early Childhood Education (eds Fikile Nxumalo and Christopher Brown) Routledge.
  • Rooney, T (2019) ‘Sticking: The lively matter of playing with sticks’ in Feminist Post-Qualitative Research for 21st Century Childhoods (ed. D Hodgins): Bloomsbury.
  • Blaise, M., Rooney, T., & Pollitt, J. (2019). Weather Wanderings. Journal of Public Pedagogies, (4). https://doi.org/10.15209/jpp.1185
  • Rooney, T. (2019) Weathering time: walking with young children in a changing climate, Children's Geographies, 17:2, 177-189, DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2018.1474172
  • Rooney, T. (2018) Weather worlding: learning with the elements in early childhood, Environmental Education Research, 24:1, 1-12, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2016.1217398
  • Taylor, E., & Rooney, T, (2017) Digital Playgrounds: Growing up in a Surveillance Age in Taylor and Rooney (eds) Surveillance Futures: Social and Ethical Implications of New Technologies for Children and Young People, Routledge, London and New York.
  • Rooney, T. (2017) Spy Kids Too: Encounters with surveillance through games and play in Taylor and Rooney (eds) Surveillance Futures: Social and Ethical Implications of New Technologies for Children and Young People, Routledge, London and New York.
  • Rooney, T., (2016) Planning for Flexible and Innovative School Spaces: Safety and Risk in Freeman, C & Tranter, P (eds) Risk Protection, Provision and Policy, Vol 12 in
  • Skelton, T. (editor in chief) Geographies of Children and Young People, Springer, Singapore.
  • Rooney, T. (2016). Putting time aside: Navigating the flow of becoming in a posthuman world. Global Studies of Childhood, 6(2), 190–198. https://doi.org/10.1177/2043610616647639
  • Rooney, T (2015) Shame and the virtual gaze: Supporting children’s encounters in online worlds. Emotion, Space and Society, 16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emospa.2015.06.003
  • Rooney, T., (2015) Higher Stakes: The hidden risks of school security fences for children’s learning environments, Environmental Education Research, 21:6, 885-898, doi: 10.1080/13504622.2014.936308
  • Rooney, T. (2012) Childhood Spaces in a Changing World: Exploring the Intersection between Children and New Surveillance Technologies. Global Studies of Childhood, 2(4), 331–342. https://doi.org/10.2304/gsch.2012.2.4.331
  • Rooney, T., (2010) Trusting children: How do surveillance technologies alter a childs experience of trust, risk and responsibility’ Surveillance and Society, 7(3/4). https://doi.org/10.24908/ss.v7i3/4.4160


2017-2020: Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., Bezxure, K., Blaise, M., Delgado, V., Ghafouri, F., Kind, S., Jazvac, K., Kocher, L., Kraftl, P., Kummen, K., Rooney, T. (2017-2020). Climate action network: Exploring climate change pedagogies with children. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), CAN. Partnership Development Grant. Invited Co-applicant. (200,000 CAN).

Appointments and affiliations

Common World Childhoods Research Collective (www.commonworlds.net) – Member of interdisciplinary network of researchers concerned with children’s relations with place, materiality and the more-than-human world.

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