Senior Lecturer
SBHS, Psychology Discipline
Areas of expertise: emotion regulation; social cognition; empathy; borderline personality disorder; adolescent emotional development; emotion socialisation; facial electromyography; psychology education
Phone: 03 9953 3110
Location: ACU Melbourne Campus
HDR Supervisor accreditation status: HDR Supervisor (Provisional)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4586-8992
ORCID link: Elizabeth Pizarro-Campagna (0000-0002-4586-8992) - ORCID
I have worked as a registered psychologist since 2006, have area of practice endorsements in clinical and in educational and developmental psychology, and am a Psychology Board of Australia approved supervisor. I have worked with clients across the lifespan and in a range of settings, although my clinical work has primarily focused on supporting children, adolescents, and their parents. Early in my career, as part of my work at Mindful, Centre for Training and Research in Developmental Health (Department of Psychiatry, The University of Melbourne), I was fortunate to be involved in the first pilot and development of the Tuning in to TeensTM parenting program, and was co-author on its first edition.
I completed my PhD at the ACU in 2019 in collaboration with the Helping Young People Early team at Orygen, during which I explored the socioemotional functioning of young people with borderline personality disorder.
Combining my clinical and research expertise and interests, I have worked at the ACU since 2019, where I am a senior lecturer and coordinator of the Master of Professional Psychology (MPP) program. I teach and provide clinical supervision to psychology students completing the MPP, Clinical, and Educational & Developmental Master's programs, and supervise honours and masters research projects.
My research explores the role of emotion regulation and social cognition in typically developing and clinical populations. In addition to existing collaborations, as mentioned above, I have developed a collaboration with the Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, comparing the face-to-face and online delivery of their group CBT for chronic pain (CP) program (START), and more recently the possible use of VR technologies in the delivery of CP programs.
I am also interested in teaching and learning in psychology. Recent projects in this area include exploring the use of new technologies, such as virtual reality and large language model chatbots, in simulation-based learning for psychology trainees, as well as exploring the 5+1 model of training psychologists in Australia.
Underline indicates students I supervised
Pizarro-Campagna, E.,Caruana, A., Charlesworth, S., Bayliss, O., Henry, J.D., Pilkington, P.D. (Under revision, Psychosomatic Medicine.). A systematic review and meta-analysis of empathic ability in adults with chronic pain relative to healthy controls.
Korbut, S., Chanen, A. M., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P. G., Henry, J. D., & Pizarro-Campagna, E., (In Press). Examining negativity bias in facial emotion reactions in young persons first-presenting with borderline personality disorder. Psychopathology.
Blackman, L., Pizarro-Campagna, E., Pilkington, P. (In Press). Early maladaptive scamas and dissociative symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.
Blunden, A.G., Henry, J.D., Pilkington, P.D., Pizarro-Campagna, E. (2024). Early affective empathy, emotion contagion and empathic concerns in borderline personality disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 327, pp. 426-478
Pilkington. P., Karantzas, G., Faustino, B., Pizarro-Campagna, E. (2024). Early maladaptive schemas, emotion regulation difficulties, and alexithymia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 31(1).
Delios, M.S., Kehoe, C.E., Pizarro-Campagna, E. (2023). The role peer responses to adolescent expression of emotions plays in their emotion regulation: As systematic literature review. Mental Health Prevention, 32, 200299.
Lim, C. J.,Pizarro-Campagna, E., Havighurst, S. S., Zhang, X., Radovini, A., & Kehoe, C. E. (2023). The role of parent and peer emotion socialization and emotion regulation in the development of internalizing problems in adolescents. Mental Health & Prevention, 30, 200278.
Pizarro-Campagna, E., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P. G., Henry, J. D., & Chanen, A. M. (2023). Cognitive reappraisal impairs negative affect regulation in the context of social rejection for youth with early-stage borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 37(2), 156-176.10.1521/pedi.2023.37.2.156
Pizarro-Campagna, E., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P. G., Henry, J. D., & Chanen, A. M. (2020). Rapid facial mimicry responses are preserved in youth with first presentation borderline personality disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 266, 14-21.
Terrett, G., Mercuri, K., Pizarro-Campagna, E., Hugrass, L., Curran, H. V., Henry, J. D., & Rendell, P. G. (2019). Social cognition impairments in long-term opiate users in treatment. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 026988111987598. 10.1177/0269881119875981
Pizarro-Campagna, E., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P., Henry, J.D., Chanen, A. (2023) Cognitive reappraisal impairs negative affect regulation in the context of social rejection for youth with early-stage borderline personality disorder. [Conference presentation] XVIIII Congress of the International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, 01-03 November 2023, Sydney.
King, C., Charlesworth, S., Hardwick, L., Pizarro-Campagna, E. (2023). Differences in pain self-efficacy in adults with chronic pain following group cognitive behavioural intervention delivered face-to-face-on-site or synchronously-live-online. Aiken Centre for Medical Discovery Research Week, August 2023, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
King, C., Charlesworth, S., Hardwick, L., Pizarro-Campagna, E. (2023). Differences in pain self-efficacy in adults with chronic pain following group cognitive behavioural intervention delivered face-to-face-on-site or synchronously-live-online. [Conference poster]. Australian Pain Society Conference, Canberra, Australia
Pizarro-Campagna, E., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P. G., Henry, J. D., & Chanen, A. M. (March 2022). Rapid facial mimicry responses are preserved in youth with first presentation borderline personality disorder [Conference presentation]. 6th International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and Allied Disorders, Antwerp, Belgium (Virtual conference) 2022
Pizarro-Campagna, E., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P. G., Henry, J. D., & Chanen, A. M. (March 2022). Rapid facial mimicry responses are preserved in youth with first presentation borderline personality disorder [Conference presentation]. Society for Mental Health Research, Hobart, Australia
Pizarro-Campagna, E., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P. G., Henry, J. D., & Chanen, A. M. (August 2019). Cognitive reappraisal, but not expressive suppression, impairs negative affect Regulation in youth with borderline personality disorder during social rejection [Abstract Poster]. Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery Research Week, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Pizarro-Campagna, E., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P. G., Henry, J. D., & Chanen, A. M. (November 2018). Cognitive reappraisal, but not expressive suppression, impairs negative affect Regulation in youth with borderline personality disorder during social rejection [Conference presentation]. Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Pizarro-Campagna, E., Terrett, G., Jovev, M., Rendell, P. G., Henry, J. D., & Chanen, A. M. (December 2017). Effective use of emotion regulation strategies by youth with borderline personality disorder varies depending on context. [Conference presentation]. Society for Mental Health Research, Canberra, Australia