Institute scholars lead diverse research projects, partnering with major domestic and international funding bodies and collaborators.

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Current projects

Child slaveries in the early modern world: Gender, trauma, and trafficking in transcultural perspective (1500-1800)

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Facing new worlds: Comparative histories of Australasia and North America

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Far right in Australia: Intellectuals, masculinity and citizenship

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A history of early modern natural resource management

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Making historical dress: Hands, bodies and methods

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Mobilising Dutch East India Company collections for new global stories

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Moved apart: Communicating experiences of separation in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

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The experiences and voices of Japanese women in seventeenth-century Dutch East India Company Batavia

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Completed projects

Gender and emotion in Japanese Christianity (1549-1638)

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Maohi voyagers to France and Australia (1760s-1860s)

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The role of faith in 'comfort women' activism in Australia

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Women in the global Portuguese Empire (1500-1800)

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