Chief Investigators

Associate Professor Kim Nichols (UQ)
Professor Kim Nichols (UQ)
Associate Professor Liz McKinlay (UQ)
Professor Michele Haynes (ACU)


While there is literature describing schools and museums working together to enrich STEM experiences (NRC, 2015), there is currently no evidence to support an effective and sustainable practical and theoretical model for teacher professional development through a strong community connection between schools, science museums and industry professionals. The study will address this gap in the literature and the investigators and industry partners are uniquely placed to achieve this goal. This study will:

  1. Professionally develop museum educators to in turn provide ongoing middle years’ teacher professional development around STEM-based science curriculum that integrates museum objects and industry professionals;

  2. Build school STEM education capacity through providing access to professional learning and resources;

  3. Improve student academic gains, scientific language and proficiencies in STEM subject areas;

  4. Foster more positive attitudes and beliefs about STEM;

  5. Promote student interest and motivation in continuing to engage in STEM-related subjects and programs.

Funding $278,000 from an ARC Linkage Grant

Duration 1 July 2018 – 30 November 2021


In preparation

Research Status


Research Partners

QLD Department of Education

QLD Museum

QGC Pty Ltd.

ILSTE Research team members

Professor Michele Haynes
Ms Alinta Brown


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Level 2, Building 200
1100 Nudgee Road Banyo, QLD 4014
Brisbane Campus

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