Professor Theresa Dicke

Educational and Developmental Psychology (EDP) Program Leader

Areas of expertise: school wellbeing; educational psychology; secondary data analysis

HDR Supervisor accreditation status: Full

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8868-2242

Phone: +61 2 9701 4737


Location: ACU North Sydney Campus

photo of Theresa Dicke

Professor Theresa Dicke's research mainly focuses on resources and their relationship with occupational well-being. She particularly investigates the role of self-beliefs within the stress development or health maintenance process. Having worked at a Department for Instructional Psychology for several years, she is also interested in several constructs related to learning, such as professional knowledge, student attrition, self-regulated learning (strategies), and cognitive load. In her Professorial role at IPPE, her research is oriented largely around examining self-concept and related constructs.

Select publications

Top ten publications

  • Dicke, T., Parker, P. D., Guo, J., Basarkod, G., Marsh, H. W., Deady, M., Harvey, S., & Riley, P. (2022). Ubiquitous emotional exhaustion in school principals: Stable trait, enduring autoregressive trend, or occasion-specific state? Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(2), 426-441.
  • Dicke, T., Marsh, H. W., Parker, P. D., Guo, J., Riley, P., & Waldeyer, J. (2020). Job satisfaction of teachers and their principals in relation to climate and student achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(5), 1061-1073.
  • Dicke, T., Marsh, H. W., Parker, P. D., Pekrun, R., Guo, J., & Televantou, I. (2018). Effects of school-average achievement on individual self-concept and achievement: Unmasking phantom effects masquerading as true compositional effects. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(8), 1112-1126.
  • Dicke, T., Stebner, F., Linninger, C., Kunter, M., & Leutner, D. (2018). A longitudinal study of teachers' occupational well-being: Applying the job demands-resources model. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23(2), 262-277.
  • Dicke, T., Marsh, H. W., Riley, P., Parker, P. D., Guo, J., & Horwood, M. (2018). Validating the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II) using set-ESEM: Identifying psychosocial risk factors in a sample of school principals. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 584. 3389/fpsyg.2018.00584
  • Dicke, T., Holzberger, D., Kunina-Habenicht, O., Linninger, C., Schulze-Stocker, F., Seidel, T., & Kunter, M. (2016). „Doppelter Praxisschock "auf dem Weg ins Lehramt. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 63(4), 244-257.
  • Dicke, T., Parker, P. D., Holzberger, D., Kunina-Habenicht, O., Kunter, M., & Leutner, D. (2015). Beginning teachers' efficacy and emotional exhaustion: Latent changes, reciprocity, and the influence of professional knowledge. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 41, 62-72. 1016/j.cedpsych.2014.11.003
  • Dicke, T., Elling, J., Schmeck, A., & Leutner, D. (2015). Reducing reality shock: The effects of classroom management skills training on beginning teachers. Teaching and teacher education, 48, 1-12. 1016/j.tate.2015.01.013
  • Dicke, T., Parker, P. D., Marsh, H. W., Kunter, M., Schmeck, A., & Leutner, D. (2014). Self-efficacy in classroom management, classroom disturbances, and emotional exhaustion: A moderated mediation analysis of teacher candidates. Journal of educational psychology, 106(2), 569. 1037/a0035504


ARC grants

  • School principals' diminishing wellbeing (LP160101056)

Industry grants

  • Australian Principal Health and Wellbeing - Combined (CSNSW, APPA, ASPA, AHISA, NSWSPC)

International and internal grants

  • A Systemic Model of School Well-being (Granted by Australian Catholic University)
  • Juxtaposing the Effects of School-Average Achievement on Individual Self-concept and Achievement: Solving a Theoretical Paradox (granted by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst --DAAD and Universities Australia)
  • What Makes a Great Teacher? Evaluating the SEEQ questionnaire in secondary schools. (granted by ACU internal University funding)
  • The development and evaluation of video-based learning material to impart practice based professional knowledge (granted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF)
  • The development and evaluation of video-based learning material to impart practice based professional knowledge (granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF)
  • The development and revenue of educational knowledge gained at university - Validating a test for measuring professional competencies of teacher students (BilWiss-UV; granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF)

Accolades and awards

  • 2020 Rising Star of Australian Research (The Australian)
  • 2015 Highly commended PhD dissertation award by SELF

Editorial roles

  • Dicke, T., Guay, F., Marsh, H.W., Craven, R. G., McInerney, D. M. (2020). SELF - A Multidisciplinary Concept. IAP- Information Age Publishing.

International journal review panel

Principal reviewer

  • Journal of Educational Psychology

Other reviewer affiliations

  • Learning and Instruction
  • American Educational Research Journal
  • Contemporary Educational Psychology
  • Learning and Individual Differences
  • Work & Stress
  • British Journal of Educational Psychology
  • Teaching and Teacher Education

Grant agency review panel

  • Australian Research Council (ARC) peer reviewer

Public engagement

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North Sydney NSW 2060

Mailing address

PO Box 968
North Sydney NSW 2059