Self-beliefs and task value as drivers of educational choices during the post high school transition

ippe-project-closing-disadvantaged-gap-300x188 There is an ever-widening gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students in Australia. Even successful interventions typically increase the gap, with advantaged students gaining the greater benefits. While most efforts focus on test scores, evidence suggests that non-cognitive outcomes (self-concept, task value, motivation, social context) are critical in closing the gap.

Using an innovative blend of multiple, large-scale primary and secondary data sources, as well as new and evolving statistical models, this study will test predictions about successful educational transitions made by disadvantaged students. The results will provide opportunities to take action to strengthen the economic and social future of disadvantaged youth in Australia and beyond.

Media Enquiries

Rajiv Maharaj

Team Leader

Professor Philip Parker

Start Date

1 January 2014

End Date

31 December 2016

Funding Body

ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award


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