Explicating the drivers of success
Achieving good educational outcomes for Indigenous students is vital if Australia's future prosperity is to be freed from systemic disadvantage. While successful learning experiences are largely driven by principals, teachers, curriculum, and policy, there are other factors (eg school ethos, community engagement, psychosocial well-being, and physical environment) that contribute to students' success, and extend beyond academic outcomes, to active citizenship, life-long learning, and creative community participation.
By adopting a positive psychology framework that incorporates Indigenous worldviews and using a mixed-methods study, we seek to identify the characteristics of schools and related factors which are effectively helping Indigenous students achieve their potential, which has flow on effects for families and communities.
In the longer term, on the basis of excellence and equity issues, addressing Indigenous disadvantage, cultivating Indigenous talent, and promoting Indigenous leadership will lift Australia's economic productivity and growth and add materially to strengthening the socio-economic fabric of Australia.
Dr Anthony Dillon, Professor Phil Riley, Professor Bob Vallerand
1 January 2016
31 December 2018
Australian Research Council
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North Sydney NSW 2060
PO Box 968
North Sydney NSW 2059