Internet-based professional learning to help teachers promote activity in youth

iPlay-e1449618545961-300x160 The Institute for Positive Psychology & Education (IPPE) at the Australian Catholic University has partnered with the Department of Education School Sport Unit to evaluate the effect of a professional development intervention targeting primary school teachers in NSW. The program is designed to enhance teachers’ confidence and competencies in physical education (PE) and school sport delivery.

iPLAY is also designed to improve students’ fundamental movement skills, and increase opportunities to engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during PE lessons and school sport sessions. The program will also enhance their motivation to not only be physically active during these structured activities, but also during their leisure time (eg lunchtime, after school, and on weekends).

This project represents a unique and valuable opportunity to partner with the Department of Education and other key stakeholders to conduct translational research that has the potential to influence policy and practice.

Indeed, further research on the scalability of the iPlay program was funded in 2016 by the NHMRC, allowing the program to be rolled out to 200 schools in NSW

Media Enquiries

Rajiv Maharaj

Team Leader

Professor Chris Lonsdale


Professor Chris Lonsdale, Professor David Lubans

Start Date

17 February 2015

End Date

30 April 2018

Funding Body

Department of Education School Sport Unit


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