Sharing the wisdom and knowledge of New South Wales (NSW) Koori Elders is imperative for the continuation of Koori culture and for the understanding of all Australians in the country we share. By recording oral histories and illustrating them with historical and contemporary records, images and commentary, insider-interview, recording and collaborative editing with participants, the project aims to document Koori Elders’ wisdom and knowledge, perspectives, and experiences for use in school and community education.
Expected outputs include a scholarly book, refereed journal articles, conference presentations, preparation resources for NSW school students, and academic publications. The proposed outputs will be accessible to schools and communities.
Dr Fabri Blacklock, Professor Janet Mooney
1 January 2015
31 December 2017
ARC Indigenous Discovery Grant
Download Fact Sheet (PDF, 867KB)
Level 9 and 10, 33 Berry Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
PO Box 968
North Sydney NSW 2059