Empowering choices for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, teachers, parents, and their communities

This project — Pathways Into Teacher Education: Empowering Choices for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students, Teachers, Parents, and Their Communities — has been developed to promote teaching as a career of choice to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at local levels, through the establishment of local-level partnerships between schools and industries.

One of the primary concerns that Pathways will address is the lack of clarification around pathways into teacher education due to a number of community social impacts that restrict parental engagement, and a general confusion about support for career and study prospects. Pathways is an opportunity to reach a number of students, teachers, parents, and communities in urban, rural, and remote contexts through a culturally appropriately designed and informative ICT resource.


Professor Nereda White, Dr Jack Frawley

Start date

01 February 2014

End date

31 October 2015

Funding body

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teachers’ Initiative (MATSITI)


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