The Institute for Positive Psychology & Education (IPPE) at the Australian Catholic University is collaborating with a group of leading aged-care organisations (Ansell Strategic, Scalabrini Village, DutchCare, UnitingCare Ageing, and Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre) to investigate the benefits of ethno-specific aged care for the well-being of older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This innovative cross-cultural research will contribute a sound understanding of evidence-based best practice for older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds based on a comparison of outcomes between ethno-specific and Anglo-Australian aged-care services. More importantly, the findings from this research will inform the future development and provision of ethno-specific aged-care services so as to optimise the well-being of the aged population in Australia.


Professor Alexander Yeung, Professor Lazar Stankov, Dr Zhu Chen, Mr Rob Hankins (Ansell Strategic), Ms Anthea Green (Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre) 

Start date

15 June 2015

End date

31 December 2015

Funding body

Ansell Strategic, Scalabrini Village, and DutchCare  


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