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Meet our team

 Professor Myriam Amielh, Dean, Innovation and Industry Engagement

Professor Myriam Amielh

Dean, Industry and Innovation

Professor Myriam Amielh is ACU's inaugural Dean of Industry and Innovation, having commenced the role in February 2021. With a deep understanding of, and numerous engagements with, industry over her career, Professor Amielh plans and implements extensive industry engagement strategies across ACU.

She has worked in senior roles across the higher education sector in Australia since 2016, and prior to this held leading roles in research and development in the commercial sector. She holds a PhD and master's degree in computer sciences and mathematics, and a Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance. She has worked in France, Canada and Australia.

Professor Amielh's career highlights include establishing University of Technology Sydney's (UTS) prototyping unit, UTS Rapido, which has delivered research translation to multiple industry partners, and creating the Wanago program to address STEM gaps for more than 20 New South Wales high schools. Professor Amielh also coordinated the development of UTS' strategy for 'Precinct, partners and community', delivered new work-integrated learning programs, and managed a large industry and government consortium for future secure research facilities in NSW. She is also credited with creating numerous patents, through leading teams at Philips and Canon.

 Angela Burke, Innovation and Industry Manager

Angela Burke

Industry and Innovation Manager

Angela Burke currently provides strategic and managerial support to ACU's inaugural Dean, Industry and Innovation. Angela joined ACU in 2012, in the Office of the Provost and has contributed to a number of Provost-led initiatives, including establishing and operating the ACU Rome Campus and ACU Brisbane Leadership Centre and many large projects spanning all Faculties and Directorates. Angela holds a BA, (Communication - Theatre/Media) from Charles Sturt University, and has background in providing high level executive support to Company Directors in the market research, human resources, insurance and property industries.

Dr Matthew Sexton

Dr Matthew Sexton

Academic Enterprise Manager (Education and Arts)

Dr Matt Sexton started at ACU in 2010 and continues to lecture and contribute to unit development in mathematics education within the Faculty of Education and Arts (FEA) while serving as the Director of the Mathematics Teaching and Learning Centre (MTLC). Since 2018, Matt has designed and led professional development (PD) programs for mathematics leaders and educators both in person and online, making ACU one of the only universities to offer this kind of PD for teachers and educational leaders in Australian schools. Under Matt's leadership, the commercialisation of ACU's mathematics education research has generated significant revenue for the MTLC through its PD program offerings and the mathematics leadership projects he leads in Victoria and New South Wales. Matt is dedicated to engaging with school communities, especially in regional and marginalised areas, and sees schools' access to evidence-informed professional development as an integral component of ACU's enactment of its mission.

Dr Theresa Lauf

Academic Enterprise Manager (Law, Business, Theology and Philosophy)

Dr Theresa Lauf has wide-ranging leadership and advocacy experience across governance and equity, student support, learning, teaching, research and engagement. Additionally, she has led communications and complaint management teams in the education sector. Her work in the traditionally male-dominated areas of criminal law and construction law, her role as Honorary Consul for the Republic of Poland in Queensland and her long-standing volunteer work in support of ethnic communities, underpins her commitment and passion for social justice issues and the transformative effects of education and research.

Dr Andy King

Dr Andy King

Academic Lead, Research Translation and Impact

Dr Andy King is the Academic Lead, Research Translation and Impact, with responsibility for coordinating ACU's knowledge translation activity, including research impact and engagement. He is also responsible for industry engagement work across research programs at ACU. By working closely with active researchers and research support staff, Andy is committed to fostering impactful, high-quality research. Andy is a researcher and scientist by background, with 15 years' experience conducting laboratory and applied research in human metabolism. Since completing his PhD in 2015, he has held roles as a post-doctoral research fellow in the Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research and as a senior lecturer in exercise nutrition and metabolism at Leeds Beckett University (UK), where he established a sports science clinic to embed his research into practice with elite and amateur athletes.

 Melinda Hunt

Melinda Hunt

Enterprise Partnerships Coordinator

As a member of the Industry and Innovation team, Melinda will utilise her extensive ACU knowledge and experience to cross-collaborate on strategic projects including Campus Optimisation priorities, Work Integrated Learning (WiL) and corporate scholarships development

Melinda joined ACU in 2013 providing executive support to the Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Portfolio. Since 2019, Melinda held project officer roles, contributing to strategic Corporate Services and university initiatives including ACU's Blacktown Campus Establishment Program; Business Resilience and Critical Incident Management; and the Campus Leadership program. Melinda has also spent time in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President, overseeing the successful delivery of the 2021 Vice-Chancellor Staff Excellence Awards and other Vice-Chancellor priorities.

Prior to ACU, Melinda worked for the Vice-Chancellor at the University of Sydney; in the Office of NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner MP; and Sydney Local Health District. Melinda holds a bachelor's degree from Australian National University (ANU) and completed ACU's Emerging Leaders and Managers Program followed by the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Management from the University of Melbourne in 2019

 Rachelle Smith-Pedler

Rachelle Smith-Pedler

Enterprise Partnerships Coordinator

Rachelle has been with ACU since 2016, primarily working in the Faculty of Education and Arts. Prior to this Rachelle worked in research and administrative roles in a number of universities, as well as in business development roles in the private sector. Rachelle holds a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Policy and Politics, both of which were completed with a focus on better understanding the modern business environment in which Australian universities operate. Rachelle's work with the Industry and Innovation team will focus on non-research tenders and consultancy processes and opportunities across ACU.

Stefan Orfanas

Stefan Orfanos

Administrative Officer

Stefan Orfanos has extensive ties within the ACU community, not only as a Bachelor of Psychological Sciences/Bachelor of Laws student at the Melbourne campus, but also in his various co-curricular roles. Stefan has developed a strong passion for leadership and service as the President of the St Patrick's Psychology Society and the President of ACU Melbourne Cheerleading Club. He has assisted the Industry and Innovation team in a part-time role as an Administrative Assistant since July 2020, where he has been driven to give back for the support and opportunities that ACU has provided him. Stefan is motivated to enrich ACU's services and curriculum.

Ashlee Shimmon

Ashlee Shimmon

Administrative Assistant

Ashlee Shimmon is a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy student at ACU. In August 2023, she joined the Industry and Innovation team as a part-time Administrative Assistant. Ashlee has previous experience in customer service. She is excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the ACU community in this role and support a team that facilitates positive opportunities and connections for the university and wider community.

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