Graduation Mass is celebrated alongside our ceremony in Canberra. The Graduation Mass is a beautiful liturgy celebrated in thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed upon our graduates and their family and friends.

Mass times

All graduates and their family or guests, are very warmly invited to attend Graduation Mass with the local Bishop, staff, alumni and stakeholders of the University community in celebration of the achievements of our students and staff.

Location Date Start Time Venue
Canberra Thursday 10 April 9.30am Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Cnr Phillip Ave & Antill St, Watson

Mass duration

Graduation Mass is expected to be approximately one hour, and may sometimes run a little longer.

Dress code

Professional dress is recommended.


Graduates may bring as many guests as they wish. For Canberra and Ballarat graduates, an invitation will be sent to your ACU email account by Campus Ministry in the weeks leading up to the mass dates. It would be helpful to organisers if you could indicate how many guests you will be bringing when you RSVP to the invitation.


Each venue has access for people with mobility difficulties.

Arrival time

You should arrive around 20 minutes before the mass is due to commence and be seated as soon as possible.


Seating will only be allocated to staff and some other guests of the University. Graduates will sit with their guests.


As this is a religious ceremony, we would ask people not to take photographs during the mass, but we would definitely encourage graduates to take photographs afterwards.

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