Diploma in Languages
The Course Enrolment Guide is designed to help you enrol in the right units for your course.
Course maps provide a visual outline of the sequence of the units and electives for each course.
Course maps are based on the official ACU Handbook and are subject to change.
Any queries regarding the course structure should be directed to your course coordinator.
Course maps
Commencing 2025
Diploma in Languages Course Maps 2025
Commencing 2024
Diploma in Languages (Italian) Course Map 2024
Diploma in Languages (Spanish) Course Map 2024
Commencing 2023
Course rules
Diploma in Languages Course Rules 2025Please note that study modes and unit availability are subject to change and not all units are on offer at all times. Units might be offered in different modes (attendance, multi-mode or online). If you are unsure which mode is the most suitable for you, please contact your course coordinator prior to enrolling.
Minimum enrolment numbers apply to all units. The University reserves the right to cancel units with low enrolment numbers. Students will be advised of cancellations prior to the start of semester and offered an alternative unit if one is available. You must enrol for the whole academic year if you commence in Semester 1 or if you are re-enrolling. You can change your enrolment up until the census date for each semester or professional term. See the Academic CalendarAcademic Calendar for key dates.
Students are required to select two elective units as part of this course. Please read the following information regarding selecting elective units:
A. If you are completing the Diploma in Languages concurrently with another undergraduate course:
- Your two Diploma in Languages ‘electives’ are chosen from a list of units provided in the course rules for the Diploma. These two units will normally ‘double count’ as units that you complete as part of your first undergraduate degree, and then credit to the Diploma in Languages. The units may be specified units or electives in your first degree.
- Please contact your Faculty Course Coordinator to discuss which electives from the approved list are relevant to your degree and when they are offered for enrolment. The units will need to be built into your course map.
- Prior to course completion in the Diploma in Languages, you will need to have the two ‘electives’ you have completed credited from your first degree to the Diploma in Languages using the ‘CR Credit and Prior Learning’ Form.
B. If you are completing the Diploma in Languages as a ‘stand-alone’ course:
- You can choose any two units from the list provided in the course rules as your elective. You will then need to check the ACU timetable to see which semester your selected electives are running and build that into your course map.
Unit Enrolment Process Update:
When enrolling in an Italian or Spanish unit, please select the 'multi-mode' version of the unit at your home campus.
Language units will continue to be taught online through LEO. Once enrolled in the multi-mode unit, you will automatically be added to the online LEO site which becomes available to access 1 week before Semester starts.
General advice
For all general enquiries, or questions regarding your course enrolment, fees, timetabling, results or graduation please contact AskACU.