Small bites of theological conversation for people with questions

The word aggiornamento is Italian for "updating" and came to prominence as one of the aims for the Church of the Second Vatican Council.

photo of flowers

The Aggiornamento Series consists of 2-3-hour, individual, online modules that can be offered in bespoke combinations as short courses. The modules can be undertaken either as self-paced learning, or with additional support available for groups meeting in Zoom. They seek to address and promote the expressed professional learning and accreditation needs of the Catholic educational community in Australia.

Modules are offered at three levels: beginner (100); intermediate (200); and advanced (300). They have been developed collaboratively by Professor Robyn Horner and Dr Teresa Brown, of the School of Theology. A certificate of completion is provided for accreditation purposes at the end of the year.

Learn at your own pace online. Certificates of completion offered at the end of each year.

Click here to find out what you will learn in each module (PDF, 701KB)

Enrolment and Cost

Asynchronous participation (access to the self-paced learning materials) is $30 per module per person.

To enrol in any of the available modules, click on the links below:

Beginner level modules

Intermediate level modules

Advanced level modules

It is also possible for groups (in schools, clusters or dioceses) of 15+ to request a synchronous class in Zoom by a qualified leader (1.5 hours = $300). Please contact or if you wish to organise a synchronous class or facilitate a group working in the module. Please note that all facilitators must first complete the Aggiornamento leadership training and accreditation with Robyn Horner or Teresa Brown.

Terms and Conditions

These modules are copyright © Australian Catholic University, 2021-2025.

Content from these units is not to be copied or distributed without written permission.

Persons enrolled in these units can undertake them during one calendar year.

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