Welcome to the Cultivating Capabilities Research Study

This research study is being conducted by the Institute for Positive Psychology (IPPE) at ACU and the Department of Education to find out what drives the success and well-being of high ability Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students.

Thank you for taking part in this research study.

Before starting please note that:

  • the information you provide will be kept confidential;
  • your participation in the study is voluntary and you can withdraw from the study at any time; and
  • if you have any questions about this research please ask your teacher or parent.

Please click on the year that you are currently in at school:

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey, a numeracy test, and a literacy test. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the links below:

  1. Well-being survey
  2. Literacy test
  3. Numeracy test

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey, a numeracy test, and a literacy test. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the links below:

  1. Well-being survey
  2. Literacy test
  3. Numeracy test

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey, a numeracy test, and a literacy test. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the links below:

  1. Well-being survey
  2. Literacy test
  3. Numeracy test

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey, a numeracy test, and a literacy test. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the links below:

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey, a numeracy test, and a literacy test. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the links below:

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey, a numeracy test, and a literacy test. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the links below:

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey, a numeracy test, and a literacy test. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the links below:

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey, a numeracy test, and a literacy test. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the links below:

Your participation in this study will involve completing a well-being survey. Please note that as you are now in year 11 or 12 you will not be required to complete a numeracy and literacy test this year. When instructed to by your teacher, please click on the link below:

Logo for the ACU Institute for Positive Psychology and Education

Visit us

Level 9 and 10, 33 Berry Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

Mailing address

PO Box 968
North Sydney NSW 2059