Units and costs for domestic students - 2018
Unit | Title | EFTSL | Pre-2010 (CSP) | 2010-2018 (CSP) | Full Fee-Paying |
FTHY600 | Concepts & Models Of Family & Systemic Therapy 1 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,950 |
FTHY601 | Concepts & Models Of Family & Systemic Therapy 2 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,950 |
FTHY602 | Practices & Processes Of Family & Systemic Therapy 1 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,950 |
FTHY603 | Practices & Processes Of Family & Systemic Therapy 2 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,950 |
FTHY604 | Research Informed Frameworks In Family & Systemic Therapy 1 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
FTHY605 | Research Informed Frameworks In Family & Systemic Therapy 2 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,950 |
FTHY606 | Systemic Attachment Processes & Neuroscience | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
FTHY607 | Transgenerational Loss, Trauma & Mental Health In Relational Systems | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
FTHY608 | Live Supervision & Reflecting Team Practice 1 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
FTHY609 | Live Supervision & Reflecting Team Practice 2 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,950 |
FTHY610 | Live Supervision & Reflecting Team Practice 3 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
FTHY611 | Live Supervision & Reflecting Team Practice 4 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
GEOG100 | Planet Earth: An Introduction | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
GEOG101 | Exploring Human Environments | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
GEOG202 | Beaches And Coasts | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
GEOG204 | Environmental Sustainability: The Global Challenge | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $1,930 |
GEOG206 | Climate Change: Past, Present And Future | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,373 |
GEOG207 | Precarious States Development Geopolitics And Livelihoods | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
GEOG306 | Extreme Earth: Natural Hazards, Risk And Vulnerability | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,373 |
GEOG307 | Global Debates: Questioning And Making Geography | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
GLLL600 | Locating Oneself In Global Learning Part 1 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
GLLL601 | Adult Learning: Perspectives And Contexts | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
GLLL602 | Work And Learning | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
GLLL603 | Fostering Learning And Leadership In Practice | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
GLLL604 | Global/Local Learning | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
GLLL605 | Understanding Research | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
GLLL606 | Locating Oneself In Global Learning Part 2 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
GLST300 | Global Study International Internship | 0.5 | $3,220 | $3,220 | $7,720 |
GLST301 | Global Study Abroad A | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
GLST302 | Global Study Abroad B | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
GLST303 | Global Study Abroad C | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
GLST304 | Global Study Abroad D | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
GLST306 | Global Studies Special Project | 0.5 | $3,220 | $3,220 | $7,720 |
HIST105 | Early Modern Europe | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST106 | Australian Indigenous Peoples: Past And Present | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST112 | Film And History | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST114 | Fall Of The Roman Republic | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST115 | Global History Six Degrees Of Separation | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
HIST208 | European Fascism 1870-1945 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST209 | Revolutionary Europe 1789-1917 | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST216 | Middle Ages And Beyond | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST218 | Oral History: Australian Women's Voices | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST219 | Modern South East Asia | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST222 | Greek City States | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST224 | Rise Of The United States | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST230 | Pompeii In Context | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST253 | Underbelly Australia: Crime And Punishment | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST257 | To Protect Or Punish? Childhood And Youth In History | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST308 | Making History | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST330 | Contemporary World History | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HIST332 | The Early Roman Empire | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HLSC110 | Beginning Professional Practice | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC111 | The Person, Health & Wellbeing | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC120 | Indigenous Health And Culture | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC122 | Evidence For Practice | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC210 | Mental Health And Illness | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC220 | Health Care Ethics | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC222 | Public Health Community Engagement | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $1,930 |
HLSC241 | Spirituality In Health Care | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC301 | Community Engagement | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $1,930 |
HLSC302 | Community Engagement In A Developing Country | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC304 | Ethics In Contemporary Practice | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC305 | Facilitating Learning In Clinical Settings | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC306 | Independent Study | 0.375 | $3,444 | $3,444 | $5,790 |
HLSC306 | Independent Study | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
HLSC306 | Independent Study | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
HLSC401 | Research Methods In Health Sciences | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC402 | Preparing For Research In Health Sciences | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC403 | Data Management In Health Sciences | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HLSC404 | Qualitative Research Methods In Health Sciences | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,373 |
HLSC405 | Quantitative Data Management In Health Sciences Research | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,373 |
HLSC522 | Family Mental Health & Wellness | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC600 | Ethics In Contemporary Practice | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC601 | Interpreting And Applying Evidence | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC602 | Advanced Decision Making | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC603 | Organisational Culture And Management | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC604 | Quality And Safety In Health Care | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC605 | Leadership In Health Care | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC606 | Resource Management | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC607 | Policy And Planning In Health Care | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC608 | Theoretical Foundations In Clinical Education | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC609 | Facilitating Learning In Clinical Settings | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC610 | Assessment And Evaluation | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC611 | Clinical Consultation And Negotiation | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC612 | Research Methods In Health Sciences | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC613 | Preparing For Research In Health Sciences | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,263 |
HLSC614 | Data Management In Health Sciences | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,263 |
HLSC615 | Research Methods In Health Sciences | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,263 |
HLSC616 | Independent Project 1 | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC617 | Independent Project 2 | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $4,526 |
HLSC618 | Curriculum Development And Instructional Design | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC620 | Research Dissertation | 0.5 | $2,576 | $3,220 | $9,052 |
HLSC621 | Introduction To Health Sciences Research | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
HLSC622 | Research Proposal Development In Health Sciences Research | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
HLSC623 | Research Dissertation Part A | 0.25 | $2,296 | $2,296 | $4,526 |
HLSC624 | Research Dissertation Part B | 0.25 | $2,296 | $2,296 | $4,526 |
HLSC625 | Qualitative Research Methods | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
HLSC626 | Quantitative Research Methods | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
HLSC627 | Health Inquiry Project | 0.5 | $2,576 | $3,220 | $9,052 |
HLSC628 | Simulation Design And Delivery | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,263 |
HLSC629 | Debriefing Frameworks And Reflective Learning | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,263 |
HLSC630 | Aged And Neurological Disorders 1: Holistic Management | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,625 |
HLSC631 | Chronic Disease And Disability In Community Contexts | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,625 |
HLSC632 | Aged And Neurological Disorders 2: Maximising Participation | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,625 |
HLSC634 | Practicum: Interprofessional Practice For Health Disciplines | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,625 |
HLSC635 | Advanced Clinical Reasoning For Rehabilitation Practice | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,625 |
HLSC640 | Interpreting Health Research | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC641 | Introduction To Health Sciences Research | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,263 |
HLSC646 | Qualitative Research Methods | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC647 | Quantitative Research Methods | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC650 | Recovery Oriented Mental Health Nursing Practice | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC651 | Holistic Individual Centred Mental Health Practice | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC652 | Health Promotion And Social Inclusion | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC653 | Interpreting Health Research | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC654 | Balancing Risk In Recovery | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC655 | Reflective Practice And Clinical Supervision In Mental Health | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC656 | Advanced Recovery Theory And Practice | 0.125 | $1,148 | $1,148 | $2,263 |
HLSC657 | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC658 | Family Inclusive Recovery Based Practice In Mental Health | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,263 |
HLSC663 | Simulation Design And Delivery In Higher Education | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $1,930 |
HLSZ111 | The Person, Health And Wellbeing | 0.125 | N/A | N/A | $2,625 |
HLSZ120 | Society, Culture And Health | 0.125 | N/A | N/A | $2,625 |
HLSZ122 | Inquiry In Health Care | 0.125 | N/A | N/A | $2,625 |
HRME601 | Human Resource Management - Executive | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,760 |
HRMG101 | Managing Organisations And People | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG200 | Human Resource Management: Staffing & Employee Engagement | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG201 | Human Resource Development & Performance Management | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG204 | Organisational Behaviour | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG302 | Employment Relations And Legal Frameworks | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG305 | Sustainable Hrm And Stakeholders | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG306 | Remuneration Reward And Recognition | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG308 | Strategic Hrm: Analytics, Metrics Human Capital | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG310 | Global Human Resource Management And Sustainability | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG600 | Contemporary Issues Of Human Resource Management | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG601 | Human Resource Management | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG602 | International Human Resource Management And Diversity | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG603 | Workplace Relations | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG604 | Strategic Human Resource Management | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG605 | Performance And Rewards | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG606 | People Resourcing | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HRMG607 | Sustainable Hrm | 0.125 | $1,344 | $1,344 | $3,132 |
HSEA010 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HSEA011 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HSEA012 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HSEA013 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HSEA020 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HSEA021 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HSEA022 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HSEA023 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HSEB010 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HSEB011 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HSEB012 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HSEB013 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HSEB020 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HSEB021 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HSEB022 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HSEB023 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HSOA010 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HSOA011 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HSOA012 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HSOA013 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HSOA020 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $5,250 |
HSOA021 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $5,250 |
HSOA022 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $5,250 |
HSOA023 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $5,250 |
HSOB010 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HSOB011 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HSOB012 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HSOB013 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | $644 | $805 | $2,625 |
HSOB020 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $5,250 |
HSOB021 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $5,250 |
HSOB022 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $5,250 |
HSOB023 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | $1,288 | $1,610 | $5,250 |
HUMA106 | Nutrition And Exercise | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA111 | Arts Advantage | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA112 | Bodies, Thinking And Feeling | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA113 | The Arts And Culture | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA247 | Community Engagement And The Civic Professional | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA249 | Birth To Death | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA250 | Ancient Greek History And Drama | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA251 | Scholars 1: Ideas, Power And Scholarship | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA252 | Art, Politics And Society In Renaissance And Baroque Rome | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $2,373 |
HUMA317 | History And Geography Of Rome | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA318 | The Literature And Drama Of New York City | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA320 | Major Creative Project | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA328 | Scholars 2: Research Project | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA400 | Honours Thesis A (Full-Time) | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HUMA401 | Honours Thesis A (Part-Time) | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA402 | Introduction To Thesis Research And Design | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA406 | Honours Thesis B (Full-Time) | 0.375 | $2,415 | $2,415 | $5,790 |
HUMA407 | Honours Thesis B (Part-Time) | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA408 | Honours Thesis C (Part-Time) | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA409 | Honours Thesis D (Part-Time) | 0.25 | $1,610 | $1,610 | $3,860 |
HUMA410 | Honours Advanced Coursework A | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |
HUMA411 | Honours Advanced Coursework B | 0.125 | $805 | $805 | $1,930 |