Use the links below to check the costs of individual units for the current year, using our unit costs database.
Before you start, make sure you know the specific unit codes.
The tuition fees in the links below show the exact amount that a student will be charged for each unit enrolment for both Commonwealth supported place (CSP) and domestic full fee-paying students, as well as the EFTSL (equivalent full time student load) of each unit.
- ACCT207 to BUSZ104
- CHED105 to EDEZ104
- EDFD316 to EDPY699
- EDRE290 to EXSC684
- EXSD121 to HRMG311
- HSEA010 to LAWS651
- LCRD101 to MUSC336
- NMBR140 to PARA415
- PERF102 to POLS311
- PSYC100 to SPAN204
- SPHY100 to THDM702
- THEL101 to YSED304