Unit Title EFTSL Commenced Course Pre-2021 (CSP) Commenced Course from 2021(CSP) Full Fee-Paying
CHED105 Foundations Of Chemistry 0.125 1164 1164 3023
CHED113 Essential Ideas In Chemistry 0.125 1164 1164 3023
CHEM105 Foundations Of Chemistry 0.125 1164 1164 2200
CHEM106 Physical And Organic Chemistry 0.125 1164 1164 2200
CHEM112 Organic And Food Chemistry 0.125 1164 1164 2200
CHEM113 Essential Ideas In Chemistry 0.125 1164 1164 3023
CHEM204 Biochemistry 0.125 1164 1164 2200
CHEM206 Advanced Metabolic Biochemistry 0.125 1164 1164 2200
COMM102 Introduction To Communication 0.125 996 2124 2200
COMM105 Social Media 0.125 996 2124 2200
COMM214 Writing For The Public 0.125 996 2124 2200
COMM222 Communication In A Global Society 0.125 996 2124 2200
COMP107 Fundamentals Of Digital Technologies And Computing 0.125 1164 1164 2870
COMP108 Fundamentals Of Programming Design 0.125 1164 1164 2870
COMP207 Object Oriented Programming Design 0.125 1164 1164 2870
COMP208 Web Application Development 0.125 1164 1164 2870
COUN111 Contemporary Approaches To Counselling 0.125 996 2124 3498
COUN230 Applied Counselling Skills And Case Management 0.125 996 2124 3498
COUN231 Ethical And Professional Practice In Counselling 0.125 996 2124 3498
DESN120 Graphic Design Thinking 0.125 996 1164 3023
DESN227 Web Design 0.125 996 1164 2200
DESN240 Design For Multimedia 0.125 996 1164 2200
DESN242 Design For Publication 0.125 996 1164 2200
DESN243 Design For Visual Storytelling 0.125 996 1164 3023
DESN244 Design For Social Media 0.125 996 1164 3023
DMIN701 Thesis Full Time 0.25 1992 4248 3165
DMIN702 Thesis Part Time 0.125 996 2124 1582
DMTH701 Thesis Full Time 0.25 1992 4248 4452
DMTH702 Thesis Part Time 0.125 996 2124 2226
DPBI100 Academic Literacy In Business And Information Technology 0.125 578 578 2200
DPED100 Academic Literacy In Education 0.125 578 578 2200
DPHS100 Academic Literacy In Health Sciences 0.125 578 578 2200
DPLC100 Academic Literacy In Law And Criminology 0.125 578 578 2200
DVST100 Introduction To International Development Studies 0.125 996 2124 2200
DVST101 Humanitarian Work And Aid 0.125 996 2124 2200
DVST200 Refugees And Forced Migration 0.125 996 2124 2200
DVST202 Preparation For Community-Based Global Experience 0.125 996 2124 2200
DVST204 Project Management For Development 0.125 1663 2124 2870
DVST205 Peace And Conflict 0.125 996 2124 2200
DVST303 Development Advocacy 0.125 996 2124 2200
DVST306 Working In Development 0.125 996 2124 2200
DVST307 International Development Global Experience 0.25 1992 4248 4400
ECOD200 Economics: Policy Frameworks And Markets 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON106 Microeconomics 1: Theory And Applications 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON107 Macroeconomics 1: The Workings Of A National Economy 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON200 Economics: Policy Frameworks And Markets 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON220 Markets, Policies And Prices: Microeconomics 2 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON221 Understanding Economic Policymaking: Macroeconomics 2 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON222 Economics Of The Developing World 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON223 The Global Economy 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON225 Economics Of Crime And Punishment 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON305 Economic Policy Analysis 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON306 Stories Data Tell: Applied Econometrics 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ECON600 Managerial Economics In A Global Environment 0.125 1663 2124 2870
EDAB113 Australian Aboriginal Peoples, Cultures And Identities 0.125 578 578 2200
EDAB203 Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives Across Curriculum: Contextualising Aboriginal Knowings 0.125 996 2124 2200
EDAB441 Experiencing Aboriginal Knowings In Country 0.125 578 578 2200
EDAP610 Educational And Behavioural Functional Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAP611 School And Class Wide Evidence-Based Interventions 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAP612 Learner Differences And Learner Needs 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAP613 Exceptional Children And Atypical Development 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAR164 Nurturing Creativity In Young Children 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAR290 The Arts Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment F 6 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAR299 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Visual Arts Education 1 0.125 578 578 2200
EDAR310 Dance And Drama Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDAR311 Music Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDAR312 Visual And Media Arts Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDAR399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Visual Arts Education 2 0.125 578 578 2200
EDAR460 Arts As Meaning In Early Childhood 0.125 578 578 2200
EDAR500 The Arts Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment (F-6) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAR560 The Arts Curriculum And Pedagogy (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAR599 Visual Arts Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAR699 Visual Arts Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDAT699 Accounting Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDBI399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Biology Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDBI699 Biology Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDBU399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Business Studies 0.125 578 578 2200
EDBU699 Business Studies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDCB299 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Commerce And Business Studies 0.125 578 578 2200
EDCB599 Commerce And Business Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDCE200 Formation For Ministry In Catholic Schools 0.125 578 578 2226
EDCE600 Catholic Education: Mission, Culture And Spirituality 0.25 1156 1156 4452
EDCE601 Catholic Perspectives Across The Curriculum 0.125 578 578 2226
EDCH399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Chemistry Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDCH699 Chemistry Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDCP650 Capstone Applied Project 0.25 1156 1156 5508
EDCP651 Capstone Research Project In Education 0.25 1156 1156 5508
EDCP652 Capstone Project In Education Research 0.25 1156 1156 5508
EDCU399 Extension Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2200
EDCU621 Major Thesis Med (F/T) 0.25 1156 1156 3165
EDCU622 Major Thesis Med (P/T) 0.125 578 578 1582
EDCU699 Extension Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 4 0.125 578 578 2754
EDCU701 Doctor Of Education Ft-Pt3 0.25 1156 1156 3165
EDCU703 Doctor Of Education Pt-Pt3 0.125 578 578 1582
EDCU704 Doctor Of Education Pt-Pt2 0.125 578 578 1582
EDCU705 Doctor Of Education Pt- Pt 1 0.125 578 578 1582
EDCU706 Doctor Of Education Ft-Pt2 0.25 1156 1156 3165
EDCU707 Doctor Of Education Ft-Pt1 0.25 1156 1156 3165
EDCX202 Curriculum Decision-Making In The Early Years: Connections And Continuities 0.125 578 578 2200
EDDR299 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Drama Education 1 0.125 578 578 2200
EDDR399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Drama Education 2 0.125 578 578 2200
EDDR599 Drama Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDDR699 Drama Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEC100 Health, Family And Young Learner Wellbeing In The Early Years 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEC111 Early Years Curriculum And Play-Based Pedagogies 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEC211 Infant And Toddler Studies 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEC310 Young Children'S Social And Emotional Competence In Early Childhood Contexts 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEC314 Leadership, Management, Administration And Advocacy 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEC360 Professional Identities In Early Childhood 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEC366 Positive Environments For Learning And Development 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEC461 Pedagogy Of Relationships In Early Childhood 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEE699 Earth And Environmental Studies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEN100 Foundations Of Literacy 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEN102 Children'S Literature For Early Reading 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEN290 English Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 (B-8) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEN291 English Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 (8-12) 0.125 578 578 2200
EDEN299 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In English Education 1 0.125 578 578 2200
EDEN345 Literacy And Diversity Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEN399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In English Education 2 0.125 578 578 2200
EDEN410 Critical Issues In Literacy Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDEN502 Foundations Of Literacy Development And Children'S Literature 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEN503 Reading And Writing Instruction In The Early Years (B-8) 0.125 578 578 2200
EDEN599 English Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEN602 English Language And Literacy Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEN699 English Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEO399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Economics 0.125 578 578 2200
EDEO699 Economics Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDEP600 Highly Accomplished/Lead Educational Practice 1 0.25 1156 1156 5508
EDEP601 Highly Accomplished/Lead Educational Practice 2 0.25 1156 1156 5508
EDER530 Phonemes And Phonics: Instruction And Assessment 0.125 578 578 500
EDER531 Phonics: Effective Intervention In Primary And Secondary Schools 0.125 578 578 500
EDER550 Evidence-Based Practice And Practice-Based Evidence 0.125 578 578 2754
EDER554 Vocabulary: Theory, Research, Differentiated Instruction And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDER651 How Children Learn And How Teachers Can Meet The Needs Of All Learners 0.125 578 578 2754
EDER652 From Phonemes To Phonics: Theory, Research, Differentiated Instruction And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDER653 Word Reading And Spelling: Theory, Research, Differentiated Instruction And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDER655 Reading Fluency: Theory, Research, Differentiated Instruction And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDER656 Reading Comprehension: Theory, Research, Differentiated Instruction And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDER657 Writing: Theory, Research, Differentiated Instruction And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES100 Understanding Learning And Teaching 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES101 Educational Thought 0.125 578 578 2200
EDES103 Understanding Learners And Their Contexts 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES104 Digital Cultures And Capabilities 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES105 Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Knowledges, Histories And Cultures 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES300 Comparative Education: Local And Global Contexts 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES302 Professional Communication 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES500 Foundations Of Development And Learning In Australian Childhood Contexts 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES560 Foundations Of Development And Learning In Australian Early Childhood Contexts 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES590 Foundations Of Teaching 1: Understanding Adolescents 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES591 Foundations Of Teaching 2: The Nature Of Learning 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES600 Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Histories, Cultures And Education 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES603 Inclusive Practice 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES690 Literacy And Numeracy Across The Secondary Curriculum 0.125 578 578 2754
EDES691 21st Century Skills Across The Secondary Curriculum 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET100 Effective Teaching 1: Becoming A Teacher 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET101 Effective Teaching 2: Curriculum, Planning And Pedagogy 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET111 Effective Teaching 2: Curriculum Planning And Pedagogy 0.125 578 578 2200
EDET200 Effective Teaching 3: Engaging Learners And Managing Learning Environments 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET211 Effective Teaching 3 Positive Environments To Engage Young Learners 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET300 Effective Teaching 4: Students With Disability And Inclusive Education 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET400 Effective Teaching 5: Assessment And Data Informed Practice 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET401 Effective Teaching 6: Professional Engagement And Reflection 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET460 Effective Teaching 5: Understanding And Implementing Assessment And Data Informed Practice 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET461 Effective Teaching 6: Professional Engagement And Reflection 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET501 Effective Teaching 1: Promoting Positive Learner Engagement 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET561 Effective Teaching 1: Early Years Learning And Pedagogies: Play-Based Curriculum And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET590 Effective Teaching 1: Professional Practices 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET595 Effective Teaching 1: Professional Practices 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET610 Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy And Leadership In English And Literacy 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET611 Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy And Leadership In Mathematics And Numeracy 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET612 Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy And Leadership In Science Education 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET613 Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy And Leadership In Humanities And Social Sciences 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET614 Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy And Leadership In The Arts 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET615 Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy And Leadership In Technologies 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET616 Effective Teaching 2: Advanced Pedagogy And Leadership In Health And Physical Education 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET660 Effective Teaching 2: Leadership, Management, Advocacy And Teaching: English And Literacy (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET661 Effective Teaching 2: Leadership, Management, Advocacy And Teaching: Mathematics And Numeracy (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET662 Effective Teaching 2: Leadership, Management, Advocacy And Teaching: Science And Inquiry (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET663 Effective Teaching 2: Leadership, Management, Advocacy And Teaching: Humanities And Social Sciences 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET664 Effective Teaching 2: Leadership, Management, Advocacy And Teaching: The Arts (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET665 Effective Teaching 2: Leadership, Management, Advocacy And Teaching: Technologies (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET666 Effective Teaching 2: Leadership, Management, Advocacy And Teaching: Health, Wellbeing And Physical 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET690 Effective Teaching 2: Engaging Learners 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET691 Effective Teaching 3: Teacher Inquiry And Evidence-Based Practice 0.125 578 578 2754
EDET692 Applied Educational Assessment Across The Secondary Curriculum 0.125 578 578 2754
Understanding Learning And Teaching 0.125 578 578 2200
EDEZ103 Understanding Learners And Their Contexts 0.125 578 578 2200
EDEZ104 Digital Cultures And Capabilities 0.125 578 578 2754

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