Unit Title EFTSL Commenced Course Pre-2021 (CSP) Commenced Course from 2021(CSP) Full Fee-Paying
EDRE290 Religious Education Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRE291 Religious Education Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRE299 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Religious Education 1 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRE399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Religious Education 2 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRE429 Foundation Studies Teaching In Catholic Schools 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRE440 Religion Studies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRE516 Learning And Teaching For Religious Education 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE517 Liturgy And Prayer In Schools And Other Settings 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE526 Introducing Religious Education 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE529 Teaching The Catholic Tradition 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE544 Change And Continuity In Religious Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRE623 Issues In The Teaching And Coordination Of School Religious Education 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE627 Educating For Social Justice 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE629 Spirituality And Religious Education 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE632 Educating For Inter-Religious Understanding 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE636 Special Studies In Religious Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRE639 School And Parish: Partners In Religious Education 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE641 Early Childhood And Religious Education 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE642 Religious Foundations Of Catholic Schools 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE644 Teaching Church Tradition 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE645 Sacred Texts Curriculum And Pedagogy 0.125 578 578 2226
EDRE699 Religious Education Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment Ii 0.125 578 578 2200
EDRS550 Literature Reviews For Educational Research 0.125 578 578 2754
EDRS651 Educational Research Methods 0.125 578 578 2754
EDRS652 Practitioner-Led Research For Social Change 0.125 578 578 2754
EDRS653 Conducting Ethical Education Research 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSC601 Working With Children And Young People: Ethics, Values And Practices 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSC603 Safeguarding Childhood: Perspectives From Law And Welfare 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSC604 Safeguarding Childhood: Professional Practices In Institutional Settings 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSE111 Attitudes And Inclusive Practice 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSE410 Wellbeing And High Needs 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSE411 Positive Behaviour Intervention Support 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSE421 Early Interventions And Transitions 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSE427 Partnerships: Inclusive And Diverse Learning 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSE450 Understanding Adjustments, Technology And Communication Systems 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSI100 Science In Our World 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSI168 Science, Inquiry And Sustainability 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSI290 Science Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSI299 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In General Science Education 1 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSI410 Educating For A Sustainable Future 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSI411 Teaching Science As A Human Endeavour 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSI412 Alternative Science Conceptions: What, Why And How 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSI413 Educating For Stem 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSI599 Science Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSI600 Science Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment (F-6) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSI660 Science, Inquiry And Sustainability Education (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSI699 Science Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSO399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Society And Culture 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSO699 Society And Culture Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSS290 Humanities And Social Sciences Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment (F-6) 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSS299 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Humanities And Social Sciences Education 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSS490 Humanities And Social Sciences Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment Extension (F-6) 0.125 578 578 2200
EDSS599 Humanities And Social Sciences Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSS600 Humanities And Social Sciences Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment (F-6) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSS661 Humanities And Social Sciences Education For Children (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDST111 Introductory Science 0.125 578 578 2200
EDST470 Secondary Technology And Engineering In An Integrated Stem Classroom 0.125 578 578 2200
EDST530 Maths Istem 0.125 578 578 500
EDST531 Leading The M In Stem 0.125 578 578 500
EDST532 Science Istem 0.125 578 578 500
EDST533 Leading The S In Stem 0.125 578 578 500
EDST550 Integrated Stem (Science And Mathematics) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDST631 Integrating Stem Into Effective Classroom Practice 0.125 578 578 2754
EDST633 Mathematics In An Integrated Stem Classroom 0.125 578 578 2754
EDST651 Digital Technologies In Stem 0.125 578 578 2754
EDST652 Modelling And Big Data In Stem 0.125 578 578 2754
EDST653 Socioscientific Issues For Developing Stem Literacy 0.125 578 578 2754
EDSX400 Special Education Professional Experience 0.125 578 578 2200
EDTE260 Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In The Early Years 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE290 Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment (F-6) 0.125 578 578 2200
EDTE299 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Design And Technologies 1 0.125 578 578 2200
EDTE394 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Textiles Technology 0.125 578 578 2200
EDTE395 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Industrial Technology 0.125 578 578 2200
EDTE396 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Food Technology 0.125 578 578 2200
EDTE397 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Engineering Systems 0.125 578 578 2200
EDTE399 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Design And Technologies 2 0.125 578 578 2200
EDTE500 Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment (F-6) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE560 Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment (B-12) 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE598 Design And Technologies Education Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE599 Design And Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE694 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Textiles Technology 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE695 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Industrial Technology 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE696 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Food Technology 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE697 Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment In Engineering Systems 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE698 Design And Technologies Education Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTE699 Design And Technologies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTL599 Tesol Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDTL699 Tesol Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDVS599 Vocational Studies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 1 0.125 578 578 2754
EDVS699 Vocational Studies Curriculum, Pedagogy And Assessment 2 0.125 578 578 2754
EDWB550 Teacher Wellbeing: Individual And Whole-School Approaches 0.125 578 578 2754
EDWB651 Understanding Student Wellbeing 0.125 578 578 2754
EDWB652 Fostering Student Wellbeing In The Classroom Environment 0.125 578 578 2754
EDWB653 Whole School Approaches To Family And Community Engagement For Wellbeing And Learning 0.125 578 578 2754
ELIC100 Academic English Ft 0 0 0 0
ELIC110 English For Academic Purposes: Direct Entry 0 0 0 0
EMGT201 Event Management: Planning A Successful Event 0.125 1663 2124 2870
EMGT202 Event Management: Design And Sustainability 0.125 1663 2124 2870
EMGT301 Event Management: Economic Social And Environmental Impacts 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENGL110 Reading Literature: Form And Genre 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL111 Literature Across Time And Space 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL200 Nineteenth-Century Literature: Revolutions In Writing 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL202 Twentieth-Century Literature 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL204 American Writing 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL205 Australian Literature For Children And Young Adults 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL210 Shakespeare And The Renaissance 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL221 Cultural Studies 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL224 Romantic Generations 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL231 Australian Literature 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL232 Irish Literature 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL234 The Literature Of Other Worlds: Fantasy And Science Fiction 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL331 Literary Theory Ways Of Reading 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL333 Global Literary Cultures 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL334 Reading And Writing The Self 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL336 Literature In A Digital World 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL337 Literature And The Environment 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL338 Adaptation: From Page To Screen 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL339 Gothic Fiction 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL510 Reading Literature: Form And Genre 0.125 578 578 2200
ENGL511 Literature Across Time And Space 0.125 578 578 2200
Entrepreneurial Mindset
0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENTD203 Innovating Through Technology 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENTD301 Managing Entrepreneurship And Innovation 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENTR201 Entrepreneurial Mindset 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENTR202 Social Entrepreneurship 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENTR301 Managing Entrepreneurship And Innovation 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENTR302 Product Creation In Start Ups 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENTR303 Strategic New Venture Planning 0.125 1663 2124 2870
ENTR601 Entrepreneurship 0.125 1663 2124 2870
EXSC106 Social And Emotional Wellbeing Of Young People 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC109 Games And Sports Skills 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC115 Foundations Of The Outdoor Experience 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC116 Journeying In The Natural World 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC119 From Health To High Performance Sport 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC121 Exercise And Sport Science: Starting The Journey 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC122 Research And Ethics In Exercise Science 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC187 Growth, Motor Development And Ageing 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC199 Psychology Of Sport 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC204 Exercise Prescription And Delivery 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC205 Industry Experience Preparation 0 0 0 0
EXSC206 Professional Experience Preparation 0 0 0 0
EXSC216 Resistance Training: Science And Application 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC218 Internship Preparation For Coaching And Prescription 0 0 0 0
EXSC222 Functional Anatomy 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC223 Sport, Exercise And Health In Action: Engaging With Community 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC224 Mechanical Bases Of Exercise 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC225 Physiological Bases Of Exercise 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC230 Motor Control And Learning 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC250 Gymnastics And Dance 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC290 The Aquatic Environment And The Outdoor Experience 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC296 Health And Exercise Psychology 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC306 Independent Study In Exercise Science 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC309 Internship In Coaching And Prescription 0.25 2328 2328 4400
EXSC310 Strength And Conditioning: Fundamentals Of Athlete Preparation 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC312 River Journeys And Connections To Place 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC313 Aquatics And Athletics 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC314 Healthy Relationships For Young People 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC316 Nutrition For Sports Performance 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC317 Data Analytics In Sport 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC319 Performance Analysis In Sport 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC320 Advanced Biomechanics 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC321 Biomechanics 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC322 Exercise Physiology: Adaptation To Exercise And The Environment 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC325 Professional Practice In Exercise Science 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC330 Advanced Motor Control And Learning 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC346 Sports Injury Prevention And Rehabilitation 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC385 Challenges And Opportunities In The Health Of Young People 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC390 Leadership Practices And The Outdoor Experience 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC391 Evaluation Of The Outdoor Experience 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC394 Exercise Prescription For Health And Wellbeing 0.125 1164 1164 2200
EXSC396 Strength And Conditioning: Prescription For Athletic Performance 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC398 Professional Experience 0.25 2328 2328 4400
EXSC399 Industry Experience 0.25 2328 2328 4400
EXSC407 Honours Thesis (Part A) 0.125 996 2124 2200
EXSC408 Honours Thesis (Part B) 0.5 3984 8496 12092
EXSC414 Honours Thesis P/T (Part C) 0.25 1992 4248 6046
EXSC415 Honours Thesis P/T (Part D) 0.25 1992 4248 6046
EXSC510 Strength And Conditioning For Performance And Rehabilitation 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC512 Leadership And Culture In High Performance Settings 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC513 Data Analysis And Interpretation For High Performance Sport 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC515 Exercise Prescription For Sports Injury Management Across The Lifespan 0.125 996 2124 3023
EXSC516 Implementation Of Analytics In High Performance Sport 0.125 996 2124 3023
EXSC517 Visual Optimisation In High Performance Sport 0.125 996 2124 3023
EXSC611 Occupational Assessment And Rehabilitation 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC632 Clinical Assessment And Exercise For Neurological Conditions 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC633 Lifestyle And Exercise Counselling 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC634 Clinical Assessment And Exercise For Musculoskeletal Conditions Of The Lower Limb 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC635 Clinical Assessment And Exercise For Cardiopulmonary Conditions 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC636 Responsible Clinical Practice 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC637 Clinical Experience 1 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC639 Clinical Assessment And Exercise Physiologists For Musculoskeletal Conditions Of The Trunk And Upper 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC650 Fatigue, Recovery, Adaptation And Performance 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC651 Sports Injury Prevention 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC652 Contemporary Issues In Sports Science 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC653 Project Design For High Performance Sport 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC654 Major Research Project (Part A) 0.25 2328 2328 6046
EXSC655 Major Research Project (Part B) 0.25 2328 2328 6046
EXSC656 Minor Project 0.25 2328 2328 6046
EXSC657 Industry Internship 0.25 2328 2328 6046
EXSC658 Performing Under Pressure 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC659 Athlete Development: Strategies, Capabilities And Wellbeing 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC668 Performance Nutrition 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC669 Exercise Rehabilitation For Return To Sports Performance 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC671 The Business Of High Performance Sport 0.125 1663 2124 2870
EXSC672 Theoretical Foundations Of Performance Analysis 0.125 996 2124 3023
EXSC673 Application, Measurement And Evaluation Of Performance Analysis 0.125 996 2124 3023
EXSC674 Contemporary Practice In Strength And Conditioning 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC675 International Experience In High Performance Sport 0.125 1164 1164 3023
EXSC679 Clinical Assessment And Exercise For Chronic And Complex Conditions 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC680 Clinical Experience 3 0.125 1164 1164 3498
EXSC681 Exercise Physiology Research Project (Part A) 0.25 2328 2328 6996
EXSC682 Exercise Physiology Research Project (Part B) 0.25 2328 2328 6996
EXSC684 Clinical Experience 2 0.125 1164 1164 3498

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