Working Across the Grey
Dr Gail Winkworth, Megan Layton-Thompson
Through a partnership between ICPS and early childhood and family support services, this project aimed to improve the social connectedness and capability of vulnerable and hard to reach parents, and the safety and life chances of their very young children in Inner North Canberra.
This research extended the knowledge base for services working with vulnerable families with young children, to enable a clearer understanding of how to increase their capability and social connectedness, and increase the capability of early childhood and family services to work collaboratively to better support such families.
Communities for Children Evaluation
Prof Morag McArthur, Stella Conroy, and Kate Butler
The Communities for Children (C4C) project, a Commonwealth funded initiative, focused on children aged 0-5 years and their families in North Canberra, and sought to ensure greater opportunities for children to grow and thrive in their local community.
The Canberra C4C project was facilitated by Northside Community Services, and the Institute was appointed as the external evaluator for the project.
Research monographs
McArthur, M., Conroy, S., & Butler, K. (2009). Connecting Canberra's Inner North - Final Evaluation of the North Canberra C4C Initiative. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., & Layton-Thompson, M. (2009). Working in the Grey: Increasing Collaboration between services in Inner North Canberra – A Communities for Children Project. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Associated publications
Winkworth, G., McArthur, M., Layton, M., Thomson, L., & Wilson, F. (2010). Opportunities Lost - Why Some Parents of Young Children Are Not Well-Connected to the Service Systems Designed to Assist Them. Australian Social Work, 63(4).
Winkworth, G., McArthur, M., Layton, M., & Thomson, L. (2010). Someone to check in one me: Social capital, social support and vulnerable parents with very young children in the Australian Capital Territory. Child & Family Social Work, 15, 206-215.